Aakrosh is an upcoming action-thriller film, directed by Priyadarshan. The film starrs many big names like Ajay Devgn, Akshay Khanna, Bipasha Basu and Paresh Rawal. The film is based on a very vital topic of Honour killings in Haryana. The music has been composed by Pritam with lyrics from Irshad Kamil. I am really impressed with the promos, looking forward to watching this blockbuster. The film is slated to be released on 1 October 2010.
- Isak Se Meetha - Kalpana Patowary & Ajay Jhingran
- Saude Bazi - Anupam Amod
- Man Ki Mat - Rahat Fateh Ali Khan
- Isak Se Meetha (Dhol Mix) - Kalpana Patowary & Ajay Jhingran
- Sasural Munia - Shreya Ghoshal
- Ramkatha - Sukhwinder Singh
- Isak Se Meetha (Remix) - Kalpana Patowary & Ajay Jhingran
- Saude Bazi (Encore) - Javed Ali